Kamis, 26 Juni 2014

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 #

Opinion for The Candidates of President Indonesia 2014

JOKO WIDODO. 40-year-old, one generation younger than the other party leaders, mostly from the Suharto era. Jokowi become the most popular politician in Indonesia today. Jokowi known as a clean politician of corruption. Jokowi represents leadership was polite and simple so that the choice of Indonesian society where the majority of eastern culture is still very strong in the community. Indonesian People still love the model of leadership as Jokowi as can reconcile them. nevertheless Jokowi's leadership model is not ideal because Indonesia's development needs a major breakthrough. There are many problem which require visionary and courageous leaders in the nation take steps to resolve this problem.

PRABOWO SUBIANTO. Prabowo has great potential in solving problems in this country. Prabowo has a firmness that can solve the real problems of this nation. Though Prabowo seems to be facing a big challenge both from within and from outside, especially countries that feel threatened interests in this country. Besides, people are also not familiar with the model of visionary leadership as Prabowo. Charismatic figure was polite and humble that still seems to dominate the leadership model the desired people of this country. Prabowo has spent the last five years to improve its image as a civic leader in Indonesia, and leads polls as a strong candidate to become president.

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