Sabtu, 26 April 2014

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 #

the story of the name of cities of Indonesia!

1. Bandung
According to historical records the word "Bandung" is derived from the word "bendung" or "bendungan" because unstoppable Citarum River by lava of Mount Tangkuban Perahu which later formed the lake. However, according to local myth the name of "Bandung" is taken from a water vehicle consisting of two boats tied up alongside the boat called the boat of Bandung used by the Regent of Bandung. Bandung is the biggest metropolitan city in West Java and also the capital of the province. In addition, the city of Bandung is also the third largest city in Indonesia after Jakarta and Surabaya. Another name of Bandung city is the City of Flowers, and also formerly known as Paris van Java. In addition Bandung city it is also known as the city shopping, with malls and factory outlets are widely spread in the city. And in 2007, the British Council made ​​the city of Bandung as a pilot project for the most creative city East Asia. Today, the city of Bandung is one of the main destinations of tourism and education.

2. Surakarta / Solo
The story started when Sunan Pakubuwana II ordered Tumenggung Honggowongso and Tumenggung Mangkuyudo and Dutch commander JAB Van Hohenndorff to find the location of the capital of the new Islamic Mataram kingdom. After taking account of the physical and non-physical finally elected a village on the banks of the Bengawan river named village of Sala (1746 AD or 1671 Java). Since then the village of Sala turned into Surakarta Sultanate and continues to grow rapidly.
Surakarta in the beginning was the empire of Mataram. The city was once the seat of government. Due to Giyanti Agreement (February 13, 1755) led to the Islamic Mataram split because the Dutch colonial propaganda. Then the breaking of the central government into two administrative center in Surakarta and Yogyakarta. Government in Surakarta split again due Treaty of Salatiga (1767) became Kasunanan and Mangkunegaran.
In 1742, Chinese people revolted against the rule Pakubuwana II that reigned in the palace Kartasura so Keraton Kertasura crushed and Pakubuwana II fled to Ponorogo, East Java. With the assistance of the VOC uprising was crushed and Kartasura was retaken. In exchange for the capital of the kingdom which has been destroyed so established the New Palace in Surakarta 20 km to the south east of Kartasura on February 18, 1745. Event is then considered as a starting point Kraton Surakarta establishment.
Giving the name of Surakarta Sultanate following the ancestral instinct, that the Mataram kingdom centered in Karta, then to Pleret, then moved to Wanakarta, which later changed its name to Kartasura. Surakarta Sultanate means hope for the creation of state governance karta tentrem raharja (regular safe orderly and peaceful), and must be accompanied by the determination and courage to face all the obstacles that block (sura) to manifest the life of a beautiful world (Sultanate). Thus, the word "Karta" raised again as a form of solicitation blessing of the ancestors and the establishment of the kingdom of Mataram predecessors.
History of Solo's own name because this area formerly overgrown plants Sala tree (a type of pine tree) as recorded in the Annals fiber sengkala stored in Sana Budaya Yogyakarta. Sala is derived from the original Javanese (Javanese pronunciation: Solo) In the end the people know him by the name Solo.

3.  Semarang
In ancient times in the life of a prince of the kingdom of Demak. His name is Raden Made Pandan. Besides the royal nobility he is also known as a scholar or scholar of Islam who was well respected among the various communities.
He has a son named Raden Pandanarang. Raden Pandanarang known as a good kid, sopansantun, friendly and respectful to his parents.
One day, Raden Made Pandan invite his son and invite some accompaniment away from Demak sultanate. after a few days, they reached a fertile place.
There they set up home.
Made Raden Pandan also established a boarding school and teach Islam in that place.
One day Raden Made to feel when facing God's will, then he will saying to his son.
"My son, if I die, continue our struggle to spread the religion of Islam. you do not ever leave this area. Be firm hold to the teachings of the saints. insyallah later your life becomes a glorious, happy afterlife. "
The message was always ringing in teliga Raden Pandanarang.
After her father died, she continued to struggle to teach the religion of Islam.
One day when working on the rice field Pandanarang Raden and his followers saw an oddity. The fertile land in between green trees appear some tamarind trees grow away from each other or sparse. All the people were surprised that the distance between the tamarind tree with one another. Raden Pandanarang said, "why the tamarind trees grow far apart, whereas fertile ground here. It should tamarind trees that grow close together. "Raden true .....!" Said some of his followers. "This is an unusual thing happened, very strange."
Raden Pandanarang said again. "Then I call this area of Semarang is from a rare sour word."

4. Pekalongan
Pekalongan, a unique name. What about the origin of the name of this city? The name is derived from the name of Pekalongan Topo Ngalongnya Joko Bau (Bau Rekso) son of Kyai Cempaluk known as the hero of Pekalongan. Later he became a hero the kingdom of Mataram, which supposedly came from Kesesi story, Pekalongan. One time, he was told by his uncle Ki Cempaluk to serve the Sultan Agung, the king of Mataram. Joko smell got an assignment to bring Ratansari daughter of Kalisalak rod to the palace, but Jaka Bau falls in love with the daughter.
Pekalongan words, the origin of the word and the whole field. The word means the field over, pack de (si wo), bullets (search, musty) is a word that means halong common in everyday language can mean a lot of fishermen. Then said Pek - As means to catch fish in the sea can result. From Pek Halong then into A - PEK - Halong - AN (Pekalongan). Okeh own words Pekalongan Pekalongan community dikromokan be PENGANGSALAN (angsal = can). Then the symbol of Pekalongan that have been established by the Legislative Council Great Pekalongan dated January 29, 1957 and reinforced by the Autonomous Region Gazette Level 1 Central Java on December 15, 1958 Series B No. 11 and approved by the Minister of Home Affairs with the decision No.: Des ./9/52 / 20 dated December 4, 1958 and approved by the Regional Entrepreneur Tertorium War by Decree No. 4: KPTSPPD / 00351/11/1958 dated 18 November 1958.

5.  Surabaya
According to the hypothesis von Faber , Surabaya was founded in 1275 AD by King Kertanegara as a new settlement for soldiers who managed to quell the rebellion in 1270 AD Kemuruhan Another hypothesis says that the first named End Galuh Surabaya .
Another version says that the name originated from Surabaya story about life and death fights and Sawunggaling Jayengrono Duke . It is said that after defeating the Tartars , Raden Wijaya founded a kingdom in Ujunggaluh , and put Duke Jayengrono to lead the region . Long since mastered the science of Crocodiles , Jayengrono increasingly powerful and independent that threaten the sovereignty of Majapahit . To conquer Jayengrono diutuslah Sawunggaling that the science Sura . Adu magic is done at the edge of the river near Paneleh Kalimas . Magic ramming it lasts for seven days and seven nights, and ended with a tragic , because they died of exhaustion.
The word " Surabaya " is also often interpreted philosophically as a symbol of the struggle between land and water , between land and water . Moreover , from the word myth Surabaya also appears the battle between fish Suro ( Sura ) and Boyo ( Baya or crocodile ) , which suggests that the name came after the battle of Surabaya between Sura and Crocodile fish ( Baya ) .
In order not to cause public maze in the municipality head of the Level II Surabaya , chaired by Mr Soeparno , issued Decree No. . 64/WK/75 on the anniversary of the establishment of the city of Surabaya . The decree set a date of May 31, 1293 as the date of the anniversary of the city of Surabaya . The date specified above agreement formed by a group of historians that the city government of Surabaya name is derived from the word " sura ing bhaya " which means " courage to face danger " are taken from chapter Mongol forces defeated by Raden Wijaya leadership Java forces on May 31, 1293 . Surabaya itself , in the form of fish and crocodiles sura there are many stories . One of the famous battle sura fish and crocodiles told by LCR . Breeman , a leader Nutspaarbank in Surabaya in 1918 .

It is clear now that in the year 1293 , in the Mongolian forces defeated raden Wijaya , as well as the anniversary of the city immortalized Surabya , ... But , not complete it , if we do not know why and on what basis the Mongolian troops came to the island of Java , while Mongolia region alone are far in the north , further away from the plateau region of China . It is of some articles that I can from the internet , which is rarely explained in detail the circumstances and events related . On another page I will describe the events associated with the Mongol invasions in Java

Rabu, 23 April 2014

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 #


1. There are much books in the library.
2. A group of students are discussing the homework.
3. The president of Iran or the president of Turkey are attending the meeting.
4. Neither they nor my sons never does the school task.
5. Not only my mother, but also my father have been in London.

1. There are many books in the library.
2. Some students are discussing the homework.
3. The president of Iran and the president Of Turkey are attending the meeting.
4. Neither they nor my sons does the school task.
5. Not only my mother, but also my father has been in London.